Grab your free yearly planner


Don't bother tracking your spending.

It's in the past. 


FORECAST YOUR BILLS AND EXPENSES! and be ready for them.


Sign up for the TDE newsletter to receive the new, improved yearly planner and other helpful cheat sheets to make managing your money easy.  Use the planner on a device or print to fill it in. Created to remind you of all expenses/bills you will have due in the coming year. Going by your last bills paid, fill in approximate dates they will be due next and throughout the year. Include all utility bills for the household, insurances, car registrations, all annual fees due and subscriptions. Add other dates of importance like costly events, birthdays, Christmas gifts, school camps, equipment and easily forgotten costs like fire wood needed through winter. Anything you can think of!


This will be your expense forecast.


It’s a master list of not only household costs and expenses to be paid, but also events and holidays to share with the rest of the household so everyone involved is aware and on the same page.


Filling out this simple planner each year will become easier and you’ll start to remember more expenses leaving nothing as an emergency.






  1. It’s my expense forecast plan for the year ahead, telling me when every expense is coming up. I write it all down ahead of time (every December for the year ahead) leaving no late notice surprises.
  2.  I can see my whole year on one chart and this makes my life easier. I can glance at it to instantly see where my expensive months are, how far away costs are and best of all, when I have free weekends.
  3. It shows the whole family or household how often living expenses are due, teaching them to be prepared with expenses to avoid going into debt just to keep up a lifestyle.


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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Kirsty (Sunday, 05 January 2020 02:20)

    Thank you